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C++ Fundamentals
Lecture documents
Prepare your system
Do you have g++
installed ?
$ g++ --version
If not, you should type:
$ sudo apt install gcc
$ # sudo apt install g++
It can take time. Let's check you have other required tools:
$ sudo apt install make
$ sudo apt install valgrind
$ sudo apt install git
Practical Works
- PW 01: From C to C++ without classes - tooling
- PW 02: Introduction to OOP - tooling
- PW 03: Messages - Inherirance - Modeling - Streams - Units tests
- PW 04: Modeling - Polymorphism - Unit tests
- PW 05: Containers (1) : String, Dynamic array, Canonical form
- PW 06: Containers (2) : Stack - Copy - Exception and end of program
- PW 07: Genericity
- PW 08: Standard Library (1) : container handling
- PW 09: Standard Library (2) : functors and algorithms
- PW 10: The very end
- PW A: Shapes, modeling and tests
- C++ Reference
- Super FAQ
- Super mémento STL
- SGI Documentation (OLD - Not officially available since HP bought SGI)
- UML for the STL
- Qt Documentation
- Google Test
- Catch Library and the note I wrote
- Compiler explorer
- CPP Insights