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 Loïc YON [KIUX]

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[C++] Shapes

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First publication date : 2021/04/28

We will go back to the example of the lesson : the modeling of shapes (Shape, Rectangle, Circle and Point) and the relationships between classes.

To keep the things as simple as possible, all the classes will be declared in one sigle file (Shapes.hpp) and the corresponding implementation code will be in Shape.cpp. tests.cpp contains all the tests (not so many) we want to run. main_tests.cpp generates the main() function for the tests ; the catch library creates it.


A class to represent a point with 2 integer coordinates x and y:

- x : integer
- y : integer
+ Point()
+ Point(x, y)
+ setX(x : integer)
+ getX() : integer
+ setY(y : integer)
+ getY() : integer

With the catch library, here are the tests:

TEST_CASE("Point1") {
	Point p;

	CHECK( 0 == p.getX());
	CHECK( 0 == p.getY());

TEST_CASE("Point2") {
	Point p { 3, 2 };
	//Point p (3,2);

	CHECK( 3 == p.getX());
	CHECK( 2 == p.getY());

TEST_CASE("Point3") {
	Point p;


	CHECK( 6 == p.getX());
	CHECK( 7 == p.getY());


A class to represent the basic shape given by a corner point, a width and a height as follows:

- point : Point
- width : integer
- height : integer
+ Rectangle()
+ Rectangle(x: integer, y: integer, w: integer, h: integer)
+ Rectangle(p: Point , w: integer, h: integer)
+ Shape(p : Point)
+ setPoint(p : Point)
+ getPoint() : Point
+ getWidth() : integer
+ getHeight() : integer
+ toString() : string

The relationship between Point and Rectangle is a composition.

With the catch library, here is a basic test:

TEST_CASE("Rectangle1") {
	Rectangle r;

	CHECK( 0 == r.getPoint().getX());
	CHECK( 0 == r.getPoint().getY());
	CHECK( 0 == r.getWidth());
	CHECK( 0 == r.getHeight());

The "Rectangle2" test is not working because, right now, we did not implement the inheritance relationship between Rectangle and Shape.


A class to represent any shape with a known bounding box (a rectangle) :

- p : Point
- width : integer
- height : integer
+ Shape()
+ Shape(x: integer, y: integer, w: integer, h: integer)
+ Shape(p : Point)
+ setPoint(p : Point)
+ getPoint() : Point
+ getWidth() : integer
+ getHeight() : integer
+ toString() : string

This class aims to be abstract, that is why we will not write direct specific tests.

To make the following test working,

TEST_CASE("Rectangle2") {
	// Rectangle is a Shape
	Shape *s = new Rectangle;

	CHECK( 0 == s->getPoint().getX());
	CHECK( 0 == s->getPoint().getY());
	CHECK( 0 == s->getWidth());
	CHECK( 0 == s->getHeight());

For the last test of the Rectangle class, there is more work to do :

TEST_CASE("Rectangle3") {
	// Rectangle is a Shape
	Shape *s = new Rectangle;

	CHECK( "Rectangle" == s->toString());


A class to represent a particular shape : the circle. The center and the radius are deduced from the bounding box.

The partial UML is as follows:

Circle IS a Shape
radius ?
center ?
+ Circle()
+ Circle(x: integer, y: integer, w: integer, h: integer)
+ Circle(center : Point, radius: integer)
+ getRadius() : integer
+ toString() : string

With the catch library, here are the tests:

TEST_CASE("Circle1") {
	Circle c;

	CHECK( 0 == c.getPoint().getX());
	CHECK( 0 == c.getPoint().getY());
	CHECK( 0 == c.getRadius());
	CHECK( 0 == c.getWidth());
	CHECK( 0 == c.getHeight());

TEST_CASE("Circle2") {
	Circle c(Point(10,10),2);

	CHECK( 8 == c.getPoint().getX());
	CHECK( 8 == c.getPoint().getY());
	CHECK( 2 == c.getRadius());
	CHECK( 4 == c.getWidth());
	CHECK( 4 == c.getHeight());

The Circle class is a Shape class, so we have to check the relationship:

TEST_CASE("Circle3") {
	// Rectangle is a Shape
	Shape *s = new Circle;

	CHECK( "Circle" == s->toString());