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You will find all I did and what I am currently doing. I am dealing with :
- Operations Research (Vehicle Routing Problem and Network Design) : heuristics, MIP
- Discrete Event Simulation
- Software Engineering (metaprogramming and performances)
I am also interested with :
- Model Driven Architecture
- High performance computation (grid and GPGPU)
phD (co)Supervising ....
Done (1)
- Alexandre Bardakoff : Analysis and Execution of a Data-Flow Graph Explicit Model Using Static Metaprogramming
(oct 2018 -> dec 2021 - collaboration with the NIST)
WIP (2)
- Mateus Vilela Souza with the "SuperRob" action (since oct 2019)
- Sylvain Lapeyrade (since oct 2020)
- i-site Clermont Cap 20-25 / INRAE "SuperRob"
- i-site Clermont Cap 20-25 / INRAE "Agriterix"